Tuesday, May 5, 2020

E-Business Application for Sales Product- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theE-Business Application for Sales Product. Answer: Description of the data For the analysis we have chosen the sales product dataset. The sales product dataset provides information regarding the sales of products from 2012 to 2014. The information of the sales of the products is spread across quarters. Figures related to revenue from the sales of the products, quantity and gross margin from the products is also provided. The data provides information across several countries. In addition, information is also provided regarding the method in which the order was placed. Further, the evidence regarding the sales is broken down into retailer type, product type product line and product. Prediction and Analysis From the vast array of questions thrown up by Watson analytics we choose three interesting questions. The questions are What are the values of Revenue by Country? The above figure provides us with information of average revenue earned by the organization across countries. The color scheme of the revenue provides easy understanding of the chart. From the chart it can be easily understood that US is the highest average revenue generator for the organization, while Denmark is the least earner. The average revenue of US is $86983.46. The average revenue earned from Denmark is $20,313.20. By changing the scale of the revenue the total revenue earned by the organization from 2012 to 2014 is found. The total revenue from US during the period 2012-2014 is 650.81M. in the same period of time the revenue from Denmark is 47.9M What is trend of revenue over quarter by product type? The above question provided us with the information of the trend of average revenue earning based on product type. From the above graph we can deduce which of the products are the highest and lowest earners. Moreover, we can also view how the revenue earned by these products changed over time. With the addition of the country filter we could get information of the variation in revenue trend across countries. From the analysis it is seen that the revenue from woods has been the higher than other products of the organization. On the other hand, it is found that the revenue from first aid was the least during the year 2012. However, the revenue from both first aid and sunscreen are lowest of all other products during the period 2013 to 2014. Through the use of filter, it is found that for Denmark there has been no revenue generation from woods in the last quarter (Q3) of 2014. In addition, the revenue from woods has steadily fallen from the last quarter of 2013. The revenue from Tents has steadily risen from the first quarter of 2014. The average revenue from Tents in the 3rd quarter of 2014 was $1.16M. The organization earned $670 (the least amongst all products) from Sunscreen in the 3rd Quarter of 2014. By using filters, it can be found that the highest revenue from US is from Woods. The average revenue from woods in the 3rd Quarter of 2014 is $0.233M. In addition, the analysis shows that the revenue from woods is closely followed by revenue from Tents. The trend also shows that the revenue from both woods and tents has steadily fallen from the 1st quarter of 2014. What is trend of gross margin over quarter by product type? The above question provided us with the information of the trend of average gross margin on the product based on product type. The above graph provides us with the information of change of gross margin based on product type. Moreover, addition of the country filter enabled us to view the change in gross margin across different countries. We can find that some of the products sell more in a particular country. The analysis of the data shows that the gross margin from Insect Repellants and rope is the highest and lowest respectively for the organization. The gross margin from Insect repellants is 0.69 while from rope it is 0.32. The gross margin from insect repellants and rope has been fairly constant from 2012 to 2014. Further analysis shows that the gross margin from First Aid has fallen from 0.59 to 0.42 from the 2nd to the 3rd Quarter of 2014. The gross margin from Golf Accessories was the second highest from the 1st quarter of 2012 to 1st quarter of 2014. From the 2nd quarter of 2014 to 3rd quarter of 2014 the second highest gross margin for the organization is from Sunscreen agents. The analysis shows that there has been strong changes in the gross margin from First aid.

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